[I LOVE the Spirit and Fun of my Life: Husband, Family, Friends, Kittties, Gardens,
and to hear about what makes any/everyone else's lives Colorful and Meaningful to them, too!!]

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

C. G. and Me

This post is just another practice run really-- I just tried adding a couple of things and find I don't know how to UN add the display of my e-addy.. drat!! (I left 'Display E-mail' UNchecked yet it has now shown up in the FB badge I added! Sheesh.. the complexities escape me and my patience is thin at the mo to seek further 'Help' info (which never seems to help ME, anyway!)

I also want to make a note to myself here that I intend to return to post a longish piece I wrote once upon a time for a writing group exercise.. I recently came across this piece AND ('coincidentally') a C. G. Jung quote that relates well to the piece.

Herewith the quote (as teaser?) to the piece posting to be returned to later/soon:

C. G. Jung ....

"We meet ourselves time and again in a htousand different guises on the path of life."

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Well, it's been some time since I've visited my own blog (I pretty much forgot it altogether, in fact) and it took quite a few shenanigans and resetting of my password and I'm not sure what else I did to get to this window where I am now typing a new post. Why couldn't I find way to post a new post without going thru all those steps!!?? Will I remember what I did to get to this window next time I check in??-- (probably not!) Strange... but no stranger than most of my on-line experiences are- especially when I am exploring in new territory without coaching... lol.

Btw, LOL (and 'words' of such ilk) constitute (still) some strange new territory for me .. I AM 'used to' lol, actually, but when reading FB posts (eg) from younger-set family members I am mostly lost and lol-ing trying to figure out what they mean to say via all their many abbreviations.. I enjoy making up possible meanings for the inscrutable acronymic letters..! ;-)

Meanwhile.. back on our ranch.. we had a lovely 'round midnight boomer storm last night soon after our lovely dinner guests left to drive home... pow! zak! Ka-pour !! YAY- we love a good sky show , though we were glad to be inside safely watching rather than caught by a fast-moving storm out in the middle of a field and some hunk of a mile from a vehicle to shelter in with zotz of lightning striking all around as our dinner guest described he and a friend had been once upon a time. Yipes! Not exactly a comforting situation to know YOU are the highest point around during a wild storm like that!

Our dinner guest's story made me think just now of myself at about age 16-17? climbing up onto the roof of the neighborhood grade school in Middleburg Heights, OH with my 'boyfriend' at the time (for about 2-3 weeks, maybe, he was a 'boyfriend'??) Anyway- he and I may have been intending to be 'practicing parallel parking' (for me to take my driver's test) up at the grade school playground. This was the excuse we gave my Mom a few times when we wanted to borrow her car, anyway. But, instead, bf and I had been seized with the inspiration that we should climb/clamber up onto the school roof (somehow?) and , once we were up there, we were promptly engulfed by a fierce thunderstorm and slashing rains!!! The winds were too severe to risk climbing down again... so we were stuck huddling together on the most rainshadowed side of a chimney or stackpipe thing of some kind on the roof of the school until the storm passed- and maybe an hour later we came back to my house with sopped car seats under us and ourselves drenched and shivering tho fortunately un-zotzed by lightning! My Mom was annoyed with me and my 'unwise' choices for not the first nor last time that afternoon. LOL.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Sheesh. It has been a week of nearly daily doc rendez vouzes*!! Phooey! *(in France I learned that one schedules a rendez-vous with one's Docteur!) One thing led to another... and I have now experienced the unexpected strangeness of having a mysteriously/suddenly abcessing cyst present itself largely and sorely to be removed from my neck... leaving a Franken Woman scar with 7 stitches behind.. All healing up now.. and lab report was ok- nothing cancer-y to worry about... but meanwhile there are more appointments to come because in the midst of the pain in the neck stuff I also felt a noticeable though slight weakness and disorientated sensation on my left side- the left foot especially felt a little too vague about where it was going to go next and also felt a bit as if it was somehow sinking slightly into the floor when I put weight on it.. Odd. Possibly related to the abcess pressing on something - eg carotid?, and it (the vaguely disoriented limb feeling) went away as soon as I got going on the antibios for the infection.

NONETHELESS, the docxs want me to do stuff like EKG (already did that one and it was ok).. but also carotid eval and echocardiogram next week.. I would normally rebel but I am actually curious to knowif there is any residual evidence of a TIA-like event I experienced in'96 without benefit of insurance. Because I had no coverage I never had myself checked out, never got a diagnosis and had never even heard of TIAs back then (transient ischemic attack).. and so , for all intents and purposes I never officially had one at all. Yet, I did experience something and felt numbish and weakish and sluggish on one side for a few weeks after feeling as if a big bubble had burped inside my water cooler head one night .. und zo I am curious as to whether there is or is not any eveidence of that event detectable via these non-invasive testings. If they were invasive I wouldn't bother..!

Currently feel fine.. other than itchy stitchery in the neck driving me a bit loopy, I think all is actually Quite Well with me...but will find out a few things next week and let everyone know whatever that turns out to be..

Meanwhile-- thanks everybuddy for e-ing and awww-ing and hemming and hawing with me thru this mild ordeal. My dear Craig has gone to all the appointments with me , natch, and would have been in the surgery , too, if they'd let him be! Today we had twin dermatology appts scheduled back before the neck abcess blew itself up.. so we kept these appts for other look sees.. and (as if in sympathy) C. came home with a biopsy patch having been sent to the lab and a few stitches of his own! Whew. He doesn't seem esp concerned and neither was the doc- just enough to want to check it out a funny little spot... so we should hear back on that, too, next week!

All in all, I've now already had more appointments than I normally have in 5 years, but I think this is all heading for some interesting and informative resolution soon. Meanwhile, it turns out that it was a good thing we cancelled the Seattle journey.. we would have been on our way to Seattle when the abcess went nuts if we'd kept the intended schedule! Not fun to have had to deal with this stuff on the road-- so we are happily home and appreciating too that the 4 kitties are not in cages at their vets being boarded while all the interesting Spring weather and rain and sleet and warmth and coolth all unfold before our very eyes here in greening-up GrassLand!

OK!! More blatherings soon... these are more than sufficient for now!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Return of the Tentative Blogger

HA! With help from my proficiently veteran blogger friend Sukipoet I have indeed refound my own humble beginnings here ('compleat', I see upon rereading, with an annoying repleteness of typos and half-sets of parentheses! ) Sheesh. In order not to totally embarrass myself and bring down the wrath of certain young people in my family web whose FB post spelling errors I nag THEM about, it appears I will actually have to scan what I type BEFORE hitting PUBLISH NOW!

With a bit of coaching from Suki (who kindly is first in line to be a blog-follower of mine!!) perhaps I can add some color to this page soon-- (photos e.g. ) ! I hope so. Otherwise- boooooooring!

Meanwhile- I still haven't thought through what the heck I'll use this space for AND I'm still flailing around over in FaceBookLand getting my feet wet there. Well, maybe I'm at least up to my ankles or maybe even mid-shins there I guess... but FB usage and posting there has been a recent development and I can only handle so many new cyber wrinkles at a time...

I'll be pondering... and will be keeping these blog bitz bite-sized until I have developed a better sense of focus/intent!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Can I Really Be Doing This Blog Thing??

A sense of e-unreality sets in as I tentatively type in my first blog post. I'm extending the envelope of my tech safety zone... I'm thinking that I've set this thing up only to never be able to even find it again... I'm thinking I'm not ready to credibly pretend that I fully grok what I've created this blog FOR. Bloggery (beyond reading 'em) is something I've been 'meaning to look into'-- but (along with so many other 'meaning tos' on my list I haven't 'got to it' yet... yet here I am anyway. The reason I did (more or less inadvertantly/unintentionally do this tonight is because I was trying to figure out how to get contest entry info from a link on a friend's blog about an artistswinthishouse essay contest and one click thing led to another and here i yam setting up my own blog. Sheesh. )and I still don't have the info I set out to find... double sheesh.) Off I go in search of that now.. again... and I shall perhaps! return to post again... if I can figure out how to get to this screen again sometime! Toodles for now.